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'; if (u.style.cssText = E, u.innerHTML = F + f() + G, window.XMLHttpRequest || (u.style.position = "absolute", window.attachEvent("onscroll", g)), q && setTimeout(window[D], 1e3 * q), util.sendMonitor(d && d.monitor && d.monitor.start), d && d.monitor && d.monitor.click) { var H = util.$("#rightBottomAd"); H && H[0] && (H[0].onclick = function() { util.sendMonitor(d.monitor.click) }) } } } } } } } (d);},'200115':function(d){ var cfg = {}; ! function(a) { var PCCrazyAdWidth,Joriginal ; //console.log(a); function b(a) { return document[a] ? document[a] : window[a] ? window[a][0] || window[a] : document.getElementById(a) } function c(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = ""; return a && B.test(a) ? f = h(a, b, c, d, e) : a && C.test(a) && (f = k(a, b, c, d, e)), f } function getClass( cName,obj ){ obj = obj || document; if( obj.getElementsByClassName ){ return obj.getElementsByClassName(cName); } var all = obj.getElementsByTagName('*'); var arrClass = []; for(var i=0;i$img$$close$$discount$", g = '
", h = ''; hBig = ''; g = e ? g.replace("$close$", F) : g.replace("$close$", ""); var i = '距广告结束还有'; return g = e ? g.replace(/\$discount\$/, function() { return i }) : g.replace(/\$discount\$/, function() { return "" }), //d ? g.replace("$img$", h) : h d == "javascript:void(0);" ? h : g.replace("$img$", hBig) //g.replace("$img$", hBig) } function i(a) { return function() { return a-- } } function j() { var a = i(o), b = a(), c = document.getElementById("timecut_" + q); c && b > 0 && (c.innerHTML = b); var d = setInterval(function() { return b = a(), c && -1 !== b ? void(c.innerHTML = b) : void clearInterval(d) }, 1e3) } function k(a, b, c, d, e, f, small) { var small = (small=="smallFlash") ? 0 : (Joriginal-b)/2; //var g = '
'; var g = '$flash$$discount$$close$'; g = e ? g.replace("$close$", F) : g.replace("$close$", ""); var h = '距广告结束还有'; g = e ? g.replace(/\$discount\$/, function() { return h }) : g.replace(/\$discount\$/, ""); var i = f ? f: q, j = ''; return d ? g.replace("$flash$", j) : j } function l(a) { var b; if (null === a.parentNode || "none" == a.style.display) return ! 1; if (a.getBoundingClientRect) { b = a.getBoundingClientRect(); var c = a.ownerDocument, d = c.body, e = c.documentElement, f = e.clientTop || d.clientTop || 0, g = e.clientLeft || d.clientLeft || 0, h = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop), i = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollLeft, document.body.scrollLeft), j = b.left + i - g, k = b.top + h - f; return { x: j, y: k, left: j, top: k } } if (document.getBoxObjectFor) { b = document.getBoxObjectFor(a); var l = a.style.borderLeftWidth ? parseInt(a.style.borderLeftWidth) : 0, m = a.style.borderTopWidth ? parseInt(a.style.borderTopWidth) : 0; pos = [b.x - l, b.y - m] } else { if (pos = [a.offsetLeft, a.offsetTop], parent = a.offsetParent, parent != a) for (; parent;) pos[0] += parent.offsetLeft, pos[1] += parent.offsetTop, parent = parent.offsetParent; "absolute" == a.style.position && (pos[0] -= document.body.offsetLeft, pos[1] -= document.body.offsetTop) } for (parent = a.parentNode ? a.parentNode: null; parent && "BODY" != parent.tagName && "HTML" != parent.tagName;) pos[0] -= parent.scrollLeft, pos[1] -= parent.scrollTop, parent = parent.parentNode ? parent.parentNode: null; return { x: pos[0], y: pos[1], left: pos[0], top: pos[1] } } function m(a, b) { var c = document.getElementById(b); if (c) return l(c) } function n(a, b, c) { function d(a) { for (var b = a.offsetLeft, c = a.offsetParent; null !== c;) b += c.offsetLeft, c = c.offsetParent; return b } function e(a) { for (var b = a.offsetTop, c = a.offsetParent; null !== c;) b += c.offsetTop, c = c.offsetParent; return b } function f(a, b, c, d) { a && (d ? a[b] = c: a.style[b] = c) } if (a && b) { var g, c = c || 200, h = a.getElementsByTagName("object")[0], i = a.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; h && (g = h.getElementsByTagName("embed")[0]); var j = {}, k = {}, l = {}, m = {}, n = {}; j.at = a.offsetLeft, j.to = d(b), k.at = a.offsetTop, k.to = e(b), l.at = a.offsetWidth, l.to = b.offsetWidth, m.at = a.offsetHeight, m.to = b.offsetHeight, n.at = parseInt(a.style.marginLeft, 10); var o = c / 10, p = 0, q = setInterval(function() { if (p >= o) return clearInterval(q), a.style.display = "none", a.innerHTML = "", void document.body.removeChild(a); p++; var b = l.at - (l.at - l.to) * (p / o), c = m.at - (m.at - m.to) * (p / o), d = k.at + (k.to - k.at) * (p / o), e = j.at + (j.to - j.at) * (p / o), r = 1 * ((o - p) / o), s = 100 * ((o - p) / o), t = n.at / 12; f(h, "width", b + "px"), f(h, "height", c + "px"), f(i, "width", b + "px"), f(i, "height", c + "px"), g && (f(g, "width", b + "px"), f(g, "height", c + "px")), f(a, "width", b + "px"), f(a, "height", c + "px"), f(a, "left", e + "px"), f(a, "top", d + "px"), f(a, "opacity", r), f(a, "marginLeft", t + "px"), f(a, "filter.alpha.opacity", s, !0) }, 20) } } var o = 15, // 广告默认15秒 p = 180 / 86400, q = a.posid, r = !1; //console.log(a); // 传的数据 a.extendedfield && a.extendedfield.timelength && a.extendedfield.timelength> 0 && (o = a.extendedfield.timelength); //广告默认时间现调整为15秒 , 广告数据接口中有广告时长就用接口中的时长 window.ppliveadsystem["afp" + q] = {}; var s = window.navigator.userAgent, t = s.match(/(iPhone|iPad|iPod)/i) ? !0 : !1, u = { set: function(a, b, c) { var d = encodeURIComponent(b), e = 864e5; if ("number" == typeof c) { var f = c; f = new Date, f.setTime(f.getTime() + c * e), c && (d += "; expires=" + f.toUTCString()) } document.cookie = a + "=" + d }, get: function(a) { var b = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^| )" + a + "=([^;]*)(;|$)")); return null !== b ? decodeURIComponent(b[2]) : null } }; if (!t && a && a && a.material && a.material[0]) { var v = "pp_flash_" + q //Start... u.set(v, '', p) //End... w = [{}, {}], x = document.getElementById("afp_" + q); if (x) { for (var y, z, A = "closead_" + q, B = /\.(?:gif|GIF|jpg|JPG|jpeg|JPEG|png|PNG)/, C = /\.(?:swf|SWF)/, D = a.material.length - 1; D >= 0; D--) a.material[D].type.indexOf("Crazy button") > -1 ? w[1] = a.material[D] : a.material[D].type.indexOf("CRAZY-NEW") > -1 && (w[0] = a.material[D]); var E, F = '', G = w[0].ln, H = w[0].src, I = w[1].src, //J = w[0].w, //J 改为自适应高度 Joriginal = w[0].w, //原始高度 PCCrazyAdWidth = Joriginal, windowW = document.documentElement.clientWidth, J = Math.max(Math.min(windowW, w[0].w),990), K = w[1].w, L = w[0].h, M = w[1].h; // 打印 自适应宽度 //console.log('自适应宽度为:',K) window[A] = function() { e(q) }, window.ppliveadsystem.afp200115._crazy_ad_hide = function() { n(f(q), x, 0), b("flash_200116") && b("flash_200116").isTraied && b("flash_200116").isTraied(!0) }, window.ppliveadsystem.afp200115._crazy_ad_show = function() { b("flash_200116") && b("flash_200116").isTraied && b("flash_200116").isTraied(!1) }, I && K && M ? (x.innerHTML = c(I, K, M, "javascript:void(0);", !1) + '
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